- airplane engine
- самолётный двигатель
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
airplane engine — aviacinis variklis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Variklis orlaiviams (lėktuvams, sraigtasparniams, dirižabliams ir kt.) skraidyti Žemės oro erdvėje. atitikmenys: angl. aeroplane engine; airplane engine vok. Flugzeugmotor, m rus.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Engine cooling — is cooling an engine, typically using either air or liquid.OverviewHeat engines generate mechanical power by extracting energy from heat flows, much as a water wheel extracts mechanical power from a flow of mass falling through a distance.… … Wikipedia
airplane — /air playn /, n. 1. a heavier than air aircraft kept aloft by the upward thrust exerted by the passing air on its fixed wings and driven by propellers, jet propulsion, etc. 2. any similar heavier than air aircraft, as a glider or helicopter. Also … Universalium
Airplane - Treadmill Conundrum — The Airplane Treadmill Conundrum is thought experiment concerning the possibility of an airplane taking off from a treadmill. The experiment is often posed as simple as, Can an airplane take off from a treadmill? In longer explanations, it is… … Wikipedia
engine — noun 1 part of a vehicle that produces power ADJECTIVE ▪ big, powerful ▪ small ▪ twin engines ▪ a large plane with twin engines … Collocations dictionary
engine — 01. I m going to take the car to a garage; the [engine] has been making strange noises. 02. When I got in the car this morning, the [engine] wouldn t start. We d better phone a mechanic. 03. This weather is getting colder. You d better leave the… … Grammatical examples in English
airplane — aeroplane aer *o*plane aeroplane a [ e]r*o*plane , n. [a[ e]ro + plane.] (A[ e]ronautics) 1. A light rigid plane used in a[ e]rial navigation to oppose sudden upward or downward movement in the air, as in gliding machines; specif., such a plane… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
engine mount — noun : a framework that is usually of steel tubing, is used to mount the engine of an airplane, and is attached to the airplane in such a manner as to be readily detachable … Useful english dictionary
airplane reference field length — The minimum field length required for takeoff at maximum certified takeoff mass, at sea level, in standard atmospheric conditions, in still air and zero runway slope, as shown in the appropriate airplane flight manual prescribed by the… … Aviation dictionary
engine — en|gine [ endʒın ] noun count *** 1. ) a machine with moving parts that uses a fuel to produce movement, for example in a road vehicle or airplane: a jet/gasoline/diesel/steam engine 2. ) a vehicle that pulls a train: LOCOMOTIVE 3. ) engine of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
engine control — noun : a device used by the pilot of an airplane in controlling or modulating the power output of an engine … Useful english dictionary